NMH-8352 Winner launch

NMH-8352 Winner a New maize hybrid launched to the farmers by the management of Nuziveedu seeds limited on 30th Sept 2020 through social media flat form.  Nearly 5000 farmers viewed this programme and media coverage came in 5 Telugu news channels, one Hindi news channel and 2 telugu news papers.

NMH-8352 Winner maize hybrid tested across the India through PD team and it was selected by all the farmers across the country. NMH-8352 Winner is the solution for lodging problem of Maize crop, it also provide the solution for unstable yields in Maize. NMH-8352 Winner is specially having  SUN features( stability, uniformity and non-lodging )which are not there in any other competitor hybrids in the market.

NMH-8352 Winner is standing as the examples of strong R&D efforts of the Nuziveedu Seeds Limited.

We all wish our new maize hybrid NMH-8352 winner to become a high volume seller and long living product.

